Copyright John Gerstner. All Rights Reserved.

Touch of Understanding by John Gerstner



In Touch of Understanding, the viewer is met with two ethereal beings—a reclining female figure and a porpoise-like creature. Both exist somewhere between dream and reality. The woman, depicted with an almost disarming simplicity, stretches her arm upwards in an elegant arc, her fingers delicately grazing the beak of this enigmatic creature. Her legs point rigidly to the heavens, as though her entire body seeks to transcend the murky, cloud-streaked backdrop that envelops her.

This is a painting of contrasts, of communion amid chaos. The swirling dark clouds press in from the edges of the canvas like an impending storm—ominous, almost suffocating—yet in the midst of this turbulence, there is a radiant moment of peace. The touch between the woman and the creature suggests that true connection, even in its smallest gesture, can part the very fabric of chaos. It is as though, in that touch, we are witnessing not just a physical interaction, but a spiritual crossing of boundaries—and an understanding between the earthly and the cosmic, the human and the animal, the conscious and the unconscious.


Acrylic on Canvas, 44 x 36